The Rough ‘n’ Ready Regimen uses 20-distinct flexibility/mobility postures/movements culled from a variety of warrior resources the world over. They have been re-named for Western eyes and ears and follow a Bottom-Up Protocol whereas in the disparate sources they are a bit “ all over the place .” The Bottom-Up Protocol allows for easy memorization and simply means that we will assemble these practices from toe-to head. Meaning we will begin with the plantar fascia, progress through the calves, move through the hamstrings, spend much time on hip and lower back mobility and onward up the body. Much experimentation demonstrates that this Bottom-Up approach increases the efficacy of the material as each link in the chain is made easier by the mobility facilitated by working the preceding link and so on and so forth. The first 16 Postures/Movements in the regimen are the core of the work . Most can stop at the first 16. The remaining 4 that take it to the Rough ‘n’ Ready 2...
Examining & Resurrecting Indigenous Skills and Frontier Rough & Tumble Combat