[The provided video will come into play in the second half of this essay. You’ll be prompted when to have a look.] Studying old school ways of hurt can go by many names: Combat Archeology, Combat Re-Creation, Historical Resurrection, but no matter what you want to call it, the goal and spirit are the same. We diggers in the past have beaucoup respect for old school tough, and if you’re anything like me, you’re more than a ‘Net-dabbler, or a mere copy-and-paster of what’s already been said by someone else. You drop money on the endeavor, you subscribe to numerous Historical Archive Societies, you keep your eye out for estate sales that might be pertinent to the facet of study. You test exhaustively via physical experimentation. You read anything and everything that is cogent, and you are even more deeply read in areas that seem tangential as often, like panning for gold, the dust downstream tells you there’s a good spot for a placer-mine somewhere upstream. [See...
Examining & Resurrecting Indigenous Skills and Frontier Rough & Tumble Combat