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Showing posts from October, 2021

A Comanche Blessing Mark Hatmaker

  [See the like titled podcast episode of Mark Hatmaker, Rough & Tumble Raconteur for the Comanche version of the below.] I am Awake I See… I Hear… I Smell… I Taste… I Feel… Everything. I Live Here… I Live Right Now. I Live Freely. [More Completely: I Live Freely Wild.] [BTW-Puewats’i the name of my sailboat.] Do not be a Coward. Free Your Mind… Free Your Body. Live Unconcernedly. [More Completely: I always prepare so I can live without concern.] Live Well. [More Completely: I live and enjoy each Blessing.] Be Good. [More Completely: I Walk the Right Path, I Assist on That Path.] I am Grateful or I am Unwise. Ura Tahp’i [More completely: Thanks to God/Nature/The Great Spirit/The Fates/The Unknown. There is no attempt to “solve” simply to live Gratefully.] The Black Box Warehouse for all your Old School Training Needs

“Face Under Pressure”: A PT, Combat & Stress Hack by Mark Hatmaker

  Buckle up, Crew, as we’ve got some ground to cover. First, “ Face under pressure ” is, obviously, a reiteration of Ernest Hemingway’s original quote on the concept of “ Grace under pressure .” Some refine to simplicity and say it was his definition of courage/guts, but in a letter to F. Scott Fitzgerald, he makes it clear he has something more in mind than sheer guts. As a matter of fact, he’s a bit disdainful of guts or courage on its own. “ It makes no difference your telling G[erald] Murphy about bull fighting…. [I] Was not referring to guts but to something else. Grace under pressure. Guts never made any money or anybody except violin string manufacturers .”-A letter dated April 20, 1926. Hemingway was expressing a courageous ideal as something more than mere bravado, he reaches for something that might be closer to the Italian concept of Sprezzatura, a word that appears in the 1528 volume titled The Book of the Courtier by Baldassare Castiglione. The Book of the...