We shall begin with two lovely quotes to light the path, then express distaste for why the argument may even need to be made, talk disappointed monkeys with long memories, tangled webs/cognitive load and then, if we’ve walked the path rightly wind up back where we started. “ To the wise and good man the whole earth is his fatherland .”--Democritus That quote is not mere platitude, Democritus was well-travelled in a day when travelling was h-a-r-d and, unlike many professors of doctrine, he “ ate his own cooking’ ”, that is, practiced what he preached. He esteemed the value of “cheerfulness” in inward and outward demeanor and was known widely as “The Laughing Philosopher” because, well, I’ll bet you can guess… Our next path-light is a blessing of a Navajo ideal. “ I have been to the end of the earth. I have been to the end of the waters. I have been to the end of the sky. I have been to the end of the mountains. I have found none that are not my friends .” Asto...
Examining & Resurrecting Indigenous Skills and Frontier Rough & Tumble Combat