Ready for an obvious statement? Powerful shoulders are vital to the combat athlete and the Life-Warrior who chooses to interact with the planet rather than simply view National Geographic quality photos and allow that to suffice the soul. Combat, survival, swimming, climbing, skulking in a low crawl while on an ambush, what have you, requires not only strength, but stamina and full use of the fluidity that this ball-and-socket joint can provide in its healthy state. Often shoulder power is sought via weight-use only—and this is, indeed, not a bad way to go, but there are a few alternate considerations to ponder to see if old school thought can inform us how to better aid our own shoulder pursuits of the four attributes: strength, stamina, pliancy, and aesthetics. One -Old school iron training can indeed fit the bill exclusively—countless examples can attest to that. Overhead pressing of many varieties are and have been used to do the deed, from see-saw presses, to Arnold...