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Showing posts from October, 2024

Rough n Tumble Guard Pass 1/2 Burpee

The Rough n Tumble Guard Pass, Part 2: 6 More Strategies by Mark Hatmaker

Best if consumed in tandem with Part 1. See here . For a podcast version, listen here . Pry, Stand & Deliver Why it is wise to stand for perhaps All Guard Passing [See the linked essay or podcast for additional insight/support.] 1.      Easing the Way . Often the stand itself opens the legs with no need of “tempting fate.” 2.      Halving Your Opponent’s Attack Opportunities . Standing [with proper stance and posture] nullifies the vast majority of submission gambits: armbars, guillotines, triangles—essentially all upper-body elements. It becomes a game of preparing for the stomp kick, blocking sweeps and evading leg locks. Far fewer things on the table to worry about. 3.      Knockouts Need Room . What holds for boxing, holds for ground n pound. A good knockout punch needs a minimum of 8-12” inches to pack educated wallop; strikes from the Rough n Tumble standing pass have 3-4’ feet of travel. Your strikes are more effective from on your feet than any of the short cho