In today’s sermon we shall ramble through WWI nautical ingeniousness, Old West architecture, Major League Baseball fashion, and, if we’ve done the job right, wind up with an observation or two regarding the cost-to-benefit analysis of being a bad-ass or simply “ dressing like a bad-ass.” Let’s start with our WWI history. Q-Ships. What exactly is/was a Q-Ship? Let me back up a little, let’s discuss why Q-Ships were conjured in the first place. U-Boats. We all know what these are. The U-Boat, or “ Unterseeboot ” [you guessed it, “undersea boat”] was a major contribution to Germany’s success at sea. These roving bands of submarines sank exhaustive tons of ships, cargo, let alone the number of lives lost. Many were lost on both sides, as submarine duty is particularly hazardous-even today, all the more so in the early days of the technology. U-Boats stalked shipping lanes, looking for ship profiles that read as easy prey and then they struck. ...
Examining & Resurrecting Indigenous Skills and Frontier Rough & Tumble Combat