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Warrior Awareness Tests, Apaches, “The Sacred Pentagram” & Jim Bridger by Mark Hatmaker


First, One of Mark’s Kidnapping Quizzes

·        So you’ve been kidnapped and imprisoned.

·        Edmond Dante style you’ve been kept in a castle keep [or Alcatraz] and the main obstacle to your escape will be a long swim that kills most all who make the attempt.

·        You’ll need the best conditions to chance this swim as most don’t make it.

·        Using the primary clue in this photograph of one my moonlight river-swims, would it be best to make this survival swim tonight or wait a few days?

·        We will assume similar weather conditions as we see here so add no additional factors beyond what we see from the clues depicted.

·        Answer with your current knowledge, there is no Googling in Alcatraz or Dumas’ The Man in the Iron Mask.

·        I’ve provided the answer at the end of this post, but first, a few observational Hosses on always being aware.

·     BTW-To see Part 1 of Mark’s Warrior Awareness/Kidnapping Tests.

An Apache Warrior

In response to a Cavalry Lieutenant who incessantly consulted a guidebook.

Your mind lives in that book. I read the Book of Nature, perhaps it tells me more things.”-A Chiricahua Scout

The Sacred Pentagram

The following observation on “The Sacred Pentagram” is extracted from Philsopher H.F. Heard’s 1941 novel, A Taste for Honey. Here the author laments sight is the only sense we attend to, but, I assure our quiz depends on your vaunted seeing and noticing ability and no other.

Primitive peoples often retain keenness in certain senses which we are too busy and hasty to have preserved. Taste and sound both are primitive. We have chosen sight, and so all our world is now hardly anything but a visual world, as far as we can make it…We treat smell as something disgusting [or inconsequential], and it goes from us…We are scentless and are becoming very restricted in our hearing…And the narrowing and starving of our apprehension [sensory abilities] goes on apace… We pick our way, creep about. We must at all costs be refined, even to the extraction of every flavor and vitamin out of life’s raw juices.

“Your keen nose catches nothing. Mine isn’t blunted. I have tried to keep my fivefold endowment sharp on every point of life’s sacred pentagram.’

Jim Bridger

This true account of observational prowess comes from Biographical Sketch of James Bridger: Mountaineer, Trapper, and Guide (1905) by General Grenville M. Dodge.

General Dodge being a military man was little given to exaggeration.

Sit back and bask in observational prowess.

Captain H. E. Palmer, Eleventh Kansas Cavalry, Acting Asst. Adjt. Genl. to General P. E. Conner, gives this description of the Indian Camp on Tongue River, August 26, 1865. "Left Piney Fork at 6.45 a. m. Traveled north over a beautiful country until about 8 a.m., when our advance reached the top of the ridge dividing the waters of the Powder from that of the Tongue River. I was riding in the extreme advance in company with Major Bridger. We were 2,000 yards at least ahead of the General and his staff; our Pawnee scouts were on each flank and a little in advance; at that time there was no advance guard immediately in front. As the Major and myself reached the top of the hill we voluntarily halted our steeds. I raised my field glass to my eyes and took in the grandest view that I had ever seen. I could see the north end of the Big Horn range, and away beyond the faint outline of the mountains beyond the Yellowstone. Away to the northeast the Wolf Mountain range was distinctly visible. Immediately before us lay the valley of Peneau creek, now called Prairie Dog creek, and beyond the Little Goose, Big Goose and Tongue River valleys, and many other tributary streams. The morning was clear and bright, with not a breath of air stirring. The old Major, sitting upon his horse with his eyes shaded with his hands, had been telling me for an hour or more about his Indian life—his forty years experience on the plains, telling me how to trail Indians and distinguish the tracks of different tribes; how every spear of grass, every tree and shrub and stone was a compass to the experienced trapper and hunter—a subject that I had discussed with him nearly every day. During the winter of 1863 I had contributed to help Mrs. Bridger and the rest of the family, all of which fact's the Major had been acquainted with, which induced him to treat me as an old-time friend.

As I lowered my glass the Major said: 'Do you see those ere columns of smoke over yonder?' I replied: 'Where, Major?' to which he answered: 'Over there by that ere saddle,' meaning a depression in the hills not unlike the shape of a saddle, pointing at the same time to a point nearly fifty miles away. I again raised my glasses to my eyes and took a long, earnest look, and for the life of me could not see any column of smoke, even with a strong field glass. The Major was looking without any artificial help. The atmosphere seemed to be slightly hazy in the long distance like smoke, but there was no distinct columns of smoke in sight. As soon as the General and his staff arrived I called his attention to Major Bridger's discovery. The General raised his field glass and scanned the horizon closely. After a long look, he remarked that there were no columns of smoke to be seen. The Major quietly mounted his horse and rode on. I asked the General to look again as the Major was very confident that he could see columns of smoke, which of course indicated an Indian village. The General made another examination and again asserted that there was no column of smoke. However, to satisfy curiosity and to give our guides no chance to claim that they had shown us an Indian village and we would not attack it, he suggested to Captain Frank North, who was riding with his staff, that he go with seven of his Indians in the direction indicated to reconnoitre and report to us at Peneau Creek or Tongue River, down which we were to march. I galloped on and overtook the Major, and as I came up to him overheard him remark about 'these damn paper collar soldiers telling him there was no columns of smoke. The old man was very indignant at our doubting his ability to outsee us, with the aid of field glasses even. Just after sunset on August 27 two of the Pawnees who went out with Captain North towards Bridger's column of smoke two days previous came into camp with the information that Captain had been correct.

The Answer to Our Quiz

Mark’s Tips for How to Escape Swim from a Castle Keep or Alcatraz

• Many answer thoughtfully to this little quiz with answers regarding illumination—the concern being with full moonlight offering too much exposure—not a bad way to think. But…

• The crux, to the Waterman’s mind, is the tidal flow—we’re told it’s a killing swim so we need to stack the odds in our favor.

• We all know there are such things as High Tides and Low Tides—2 of each every day except in the anomalous Gulf of Mexico which experiences 1 of each per day.

• Full Moons and New Moons provide us with Spring Tides, that is, our tides will be the highest highs and the lowest lows—these extremes provide lots of horizontal churn in the water rendering our killin’ swim all the more dangerous.

• To make that swim as survivable as we can, we will look to bust out during Neap Tides [lowest of extremes between High and Low Tides—less horizontal churn in the current.]

• If we pick an escape day approximately 7 days after a Full Moon or 7 days after a New Moon it gives us our best swimming odds [barring storm fronts or wind churn putting us back into killin’ zones.]

• These two 7-days after choices also give us less light than Full Moons [a good thing] but if we go with the almost no light of New Moons or Gibbous Moons we’re right back into the dangerous killin’ waters problem.

The World is Our Book. She is there to read and take notes.

To keep our fivefold endowment sharp on every point of life’s sacred pentagram, we must make a conscious choice to see, smell, hear, taste, touch everything we can with full sensory consciousness.

If not, we are as fractionally blind as the guidebook-laden greenhorn Lieutenant or the spyglass wielding Cavalryman.

For a more in-depth test of your observational/scout prowess see here:

[For more Rough & Tumble history see this blog, and for pragmatic applications of old school tactics historically accurate and viciously verified see our RAW/Black Box Subscription Service.]


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