I am talking the ability of the individual
warrior to maneuver, attack, and survive in the water itself on a solo basis.
The solitary warrior’s ability to swim both on the surface and beneath the
water, to do so with stealth or evasive action, to do so underload carrying or towing
weapons, to efficiently assault beaches, to wisely and efficiently abandon sinking
craft, to be able to resort to hand-to-hand close-quarter battle in a water-treading
All of these skills and tactics have been and
are valued by warrior cultures. From today’s Navy SEALs to yesteryear’s Navy Frogmen,
to Ramses II rout of the Hittites on the Orontes River, to the Franconians
crossing the Rhine on their shields. To various stales of Algonquin tribes making
stealth assaults via river during the bloody French and Indian Wars.
We have tales of great warriors who valued aquatic
ability in their warriors and possessed this ability themselves such as Charlemagne,
Barbarossa, Carl the Great, Otto II, and my Viking forebear Olaf Trygvesson.
We know the value of individual water-tactics
in a martial sense from the Sagas of the Northlanders, to ancient Persian warriors
who were expected to swim strong and well with weapons held aloft. The Spartans
considered good watermanship a must, the Romans trained legionnaires to swim
both with and without armor.
Such stories abound regarding martial aquatic
skills and yet today we see the esteem for water warriorship compartmentalized
to “Oh, the SEALs are good swimmers”
with nary hide nor hair of other contemporary schools of thought embracing the
practice in a warrior’s sense.

Any of us could be expected a to survive a car
plunging from a bridge into a river. Many of us might experience the necessity
of fording or surviving our new era of storm surge and flooding where we can
see even land-locked Texans needing some water ability.
Increasing our confidence in water, improving
our survival in water, adding to our conditioning via water-training is simply one
more wise feather to add to our training cap, let alone a refreshing and invigorating
way to capture another aspect of our historical warrior forebears.
With all of this in mind I offer the following
drill/training exercise/conditioning challenge [one of many from our upcoming work
on Water Warriorship.]
Swimming the Gauntlet: Aquatic Evasion
Get yourself to your water of choice, open
water is ideal, but if a pool is all you have…
Warm-up with 5-minutes of treading water.
Extra Credit if you hold one hand aloft as if holding
a weapon.
Extra Extra Credit if you hold a mock weapon
aloft for the 5-minutes.
Next, choose a distance or time that is comfortable
for your swimming ability and begin a long swim—it is ideal if you use stealth-strokes,
splashes alert the enemy, splashing signals sharks there is injured prey in the
Approximately every 10 strokes [or you can have
a partner call “Down!”] surface dive
or bob beneath the water and swim for 5-strokes before emerging.
We are attempting to evade/obscure strafing
fire from shore or the air.
Continue the drill for your designated distance
or time.
To move beneath the surface, feel free to use
a tuck dive, pike-dive, or sculled bob.
Extra-Credit if you execute a 90 degree turn
once beneath the surface.
If you are hitting this with intent anaerobic
demand kicks in fast.

God forbid we ever need this practice in our
actual lives, but if that horrid eventuality is ever met, well, as Special
Forces warriors everywhere say “Never do
anything for the first time in combat.” Or as the Comanche brave is advised
[“We must prepare.”]
[For more Old School training practices
subscribe to this blog, the RAW Subscription Service and our upcoming book Rough & Tumble Conditioning.]
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