Grab your grain-sack stand-in, make it one
of heft, but not so hefty you have to break your reps. We’re looking for solid
non-stop work.
Too heavy, you’ll take too many breaks.
Too light and we’ll miss all the Farmhand
strength benefits of the struggle.
Drop and hit your plank to push-up.
Return to feet.
Gut-grip the “grain sack” and hoist it to
a shoulder.
Push-press the load overhead.
Drop it and repeat.
Alternate shoulders with each rep for balanced
50 in just under 10-minutes.
If it takes longer than 10 you either
tip-toed your pace and will get a good dressing-down from the Boss or you
gambled too heavy. Correct that mistake next time.
If you come in around 50-seconds or more
under, you gambled too light and went easy on yourself. Rev it up for the next
Aim for a steady-pace that brings it in
around that 10-minute mark.
from a Texas Ranger
is always an ingredient of a magnanimous disposition. The domineering,
tyrannical man is generally, though not always, a coward at heart. I have seen
but few exceptions to the rule.” William Alexander
Anderson “Bigfoot” Wallace
To the bold, strong and magnanimous of the world!
above is extracted from our upcoming book Rough & Ready: Old World Strength
& Conditioning for Modern Warriors]
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