That is, the mind [the currently intangible part of
the body] anticipates a future event and the tangible portion of our body [the
physiological structure and internal biochemical processes and all their
attendant prowess] begins behaving in a direction towards that future state.
To make that clearer, the body while existing in the
present is always on the look-out for what “might be on the horizon” and gets
to work preparing for that possibility.
We have everything in common with Pavlov’s dogs. They salivated
at a bell. We do the very same thing at the viewing of a Chicago deep-dish
takeout menu, or the aroma of freshly baked bread, or hearing the smooth pour
of a good bourbon in a glass.
We are not yet tasting whatever comestible or tipple it
is we have summoned into mind by various bells, but our physiology goes into preparatory
tasting mode just the same as those long-dead Russian dogs.
We live in the here and now but allow our thoughts to
go to the not here, not yet, maybe never and our bodies will cooperate with this
future-tinged stream-of-thought.
One more example to drive our future-obsessed physiology
Lust. Skin. Nudity.
Now, let’s string those together: Naked lustful sexy nudity.

Our sexual physiological reactions often begin in the
present before the future of what we hope will happen has even occurred.
OK, with that in mind, we see that the body begins a future-orientation
physiological reaction in a present that does not, as of yet, contain the
Now, the wise are already asking, “Mark, what exactly does all of this have to
do with courage, or training for courage?”
Good question, glad you asked it. Let me distract you with
a little science about sprinters and marathon runners.
Scientists curious about peak heart-rates in sprinters
mid-task made a surprising finding about the time-travelling body.
Heart-monitors attached to competitive level 60-meter sprinters
rose to 148 beats per minute.
This rate-elevation is not mid-sprint, this is pre-sprint. This is in the blocks
or preparing to get set in the blocks.
This is [in the words of the study] “an
extraordinary 75 per cent of the total increase in heart rate during the run.”
Adrenaline being the driver of the anticipatory spike.
Adrenaline-management is also the driver in our responses to episodes/events where
we may have to bring courage to bear.
It is surmised, that just as in Pavlov’s dogs, Chicago
pizza menus, and sexual suggestion the anticipatory physiological changes prepare
the body for the stressors/demands on the horizon. [Or on the hopeful horizon
in the case of pizza and sex.]
Heart-rate monitors attached to competitive
marathoners did not find this same anticipatory
spike. Granted the peak heart-rate requirements are less,
but even then, we do not see a 75% anticipatory increase of the needed output
for a marathon, not even close.
In experiments with wide ranges of activity, the greater
the perceived exertion of the activity the greater the spike but…
anticipatory spikes are only seen in activities that combine both high-perceived
exertion AND short-intense duration.
The body floods itself with adrenaline before
high-intensity short-duration efforts even in well-trained athletes. It does so
at a surprising degree.
And, as we know, since the body does not differentiate
like-internal states, our mind is seeking to label this useful adrenaline-dump
and falls on the terms jittery, nervous, anxious, all close allies of fear as
anyone knows who has recived a clinical shot of adrenaline. With the injection
one feels “Anxious” with no perceived stimuli.
Now, the crux of this lesson is this. With all of the above
in mind, the more our body experiences floods of adrenaline [as in the
pre-high-intensity/short-duration bursts] the more it becomes conditioned to
deal with this flood of adrenaline.
adrenaline flood does not lessen over time, as we see
illustrated with trained athletes. The adrenaline is there to prepare the body
for the perceived demands of the future.
But…by inuring the body to adrenaline management we just
may be able to better handle the adrenaline encountered in planned stressors
[60-meter sprints, sky-dives, approaching that girl that you’ve seen twice at
the food truck] and unplanned stressors [street altercations, approaching that
girl at the food truck the first time you saw her, etc.]
for Integration
Scale training, be it strength, conditioning
what have you more towards intense bursts and less towards extended sessions.
Opt for high intensity reps over many lower-grade
Fight the clock and/or beat the clock where
Break bag, focus pad, sparring drills,
grappling scrimmages into bite-size high-intensity mini-rounds where GO! is the
If we can add competitive partners to this
to spur us harder and faster, even better.
When it comes to fear-management, courage training, situational
preparation, whatever you want to call it, we are wise to implement all the
tools we can.
Low-grade, low-impact or long drawn out training no
matter how pat-on-the-back ultra-miles makes us feel, simply may not cut it for
this aspect of training.
There is always a temptation to think we “need” hours
of this or that, but if “this or that” can be trained in a manner that also prepares
the body, mind, and I’ll say it, the spirit for the possibility of heightened
courage—well, it seems the wise option.
“More is not better,
better is better.”-General Gordon P. Sullivan, Military Review, July-August 1996.
[For additional science on "Courage Training" see this very blog and our podcast The Rough n Tumble Raconteur.]
For all-inclusive conditioning built on such principles see our Unleaded Conditioning Products in our Store.]
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