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What Do Women Really Want?: Combat Conditioning Intel, Part 1 by Mark Hatmaker


On suddenly catching sight of [the] beloved, the heart of the lover begins to palpate.”--Book II of De Arte Honesti Amandi [On the Art of Honest Loving] by Andreas Capellanus

Rule 12 from this 12th-century manual on courtly love from the Golden Age of Chivalry echoes what was, is, and will always be known—the human eye [male and female, alike] “enjoys a comely appearance.”

There is zero disparity in the sexes when it comes to enjoying eye-appeal but…there is a marked difference in aspects/attributes that “make the grade” for each sex.

That is, what might be high on the list for Gents, might be mighty low on the list for Ladies and vice versa.

An understanding of these differences can lead to better understanding, better profile pics on dating apps, targeted motivation in the conditioning department to attract or retain love.

At the very least, it can go a long way to correct gross misunderstandings based on assumptions.

Example: The male of the species enjoys a view of certain nether regions that is out of proportion to the importance placed by the opposite gender. This often leads to strange assumptions, “Hmm, I would covet a view of ‘what’s down there’ so she will be equally enthusiastic about me sending this proud d#@k pic.”

She won’t be as enthusiastic—not all.

To be fair, the female of the species having a different set of priority preferences can make the same solipsistic assumption errors and attempt to feature attributes that hold little sway while devaluing treasures.

In short, the genders assume, “Well, this is what I like and look for first, so that is what they like, too.”

Often these assumptions are way off base.

In Part 1, we shall explore What it is that Women really Want and in Part 2 we’ll flip the menu and provide the service for the Fairer Sex.

First: How Do We Know What Women Like?

Well, science has used a new-fangled technology called, “Asking them.”

Question batteries regarding the attractiveness of physical attributes were distrusted across every region of the US.

The male body was broken into Nine Attributes

1.     Face

2.     Eyes

3.     Abs

4.     V-Cut [aka, the inverted wedge effect created by broad shoulders to a slim waist.]

5.     Legs

6.     Chest

7.     Hair

8.     Arms

9.     Other [Naughty bits can and did show up in this category, but it also featured responses such as feet, hands, rear-end etc. So, in other words guys, don’t assume “other” to mean only one thing.

These question batteries were also backed by eye-tracking software, where women were shown photos of attractive males.

·        The eye-tracker recorded where the gaze went first.

·        Where the gaze lingered.

·        Where the gaze returned to in male images regarded as attractive.

Why the Eye-Tracker Back-Up?

To adjust for reasons that “sound good” and real reasons.

That is, we often say what is socially acceptable as a mask for what is really on one’s mind.

Example: Which one is true?

Brad Pitt was really witty and charming in that interview, that’s why I enjoyed it.


Brad Pitt is easy on the eyes; what did he talk about in the interview? Not a clue.”

Added Value

A fascinating bit of info, to me at least, the question batteries segmented the female respondents by geographical location, income distribution and age to if there were differences.

There were.

Again, mighty useful.

Example: Say, you’re a man in your 60s wanting to maintain your spark, do you want to spend time on something that was impressive to a 20-year-old or devote time to the luscious vintage you actually pitch woo, too?

Play the odds, Brothers and Sisters. Play the odds.

The Overall Breakdown

Let’s go back to those 9 Body-Parts and hit them in order of reporting and eye-tracker excitability.

Coming in at #1

The Chest

·        24% of women said, this is the eye-candy draw. Eye-tracking software backs it.

·        The chest seemed to convey power, capability and overall can-do.

#2: Hair

·        This comes in at 23%, just a smidge off the chest score.

·        Never fear my balding compadres—it seems you’re not out of the game.

·        The kindly female gets that many lose their hair—the crux being whether luscious locks or shaved scalp--cleanliness, care, attention to top of the noggin’ appearance was the key.

·        What does NOT make the grade: Comb-overs, toupees, dying one’s hair, dirty hair, sloppy haircuts, and the ever-present hat.

The Old Man’s Hair Anecdote

·        The Missus and I have been together for decades.

·        I have sported a shorn tight haircut for decades—didn’t want it pulled out during wrestling.

·        I was shaved down when she met me, and on thru the years.

·        She has stated to me on many an occasion, and I quote: “I think long hair on a man is a hard NO.”

·        I go in for knee surgery a few years back, know I won’t be on the mat for a bit, so in a bit of petulance I skipped cutting my hair for a bit.

·        Went thru that long awkward phase of weird lengths with her [and most everyone I met] saying, “So, what’s going on with that hair?”

·        It finally hits Tarzan length, my kinda sorta goal and I say, “Well, I guess I can cut it if you want.”

·        She says to me, essentially, what Lisa Bonet said to Jason Momoa [his wife at the time] when he offered to cut his, “Do it, and we’re done.”

·        From that time forward I’ve been a big believer in, if ya got it--use it.

·        It ya ain’t got it—do it in Jason Stathan/Bruce Willis style.

·        Work the baldness like a feature not a bug.

#3: Arms

·        19% love an arm that says strength.

·        Keep in mind, seldom is it the swole/’roided version that men themselves dig and use to signal to other men [Consider that it is men who are far and away the biggest consumers of muscle mags and like YouTube channels. If enhanced physiques were the feminine draw some claim, we'd see a more equitable consumption--we don't--it's not even close. It seems men use steroids to impress other men. Hmmm.]

·        It seems women prefer a strong arm within natural limits.

·        The Charles Bronson arm vs. the Schwarzenegger arm.

·        Often, “too jacked” chest/arms/elsewhere was seen as overkill, vanity, a signal that too much time was spent in the gym and perhaps not elsewhere.

·        I’m just reporting here, kids, don’t jump on me.

#4: Abs

·        And here, not bodybuilder abs, think more Brad Pitt Fight Club.

·        Also, note this comes in around 13%. Not that high on the roster.

·        But…do not despair, wait till we get to age breakdowns.

#5: V-Cut

·        The wide shoulder/slim waist wedge comes in at 9%.

#6: Other

·        7% is our mysterious other.

·        The smart money is on not the subject of so many unwanted pics but on the tush.

·        And don’t read that to be, “Aha! I’ll send a photo of my ass!”

·        Nope, don’t do that.

·        Read that 7% to mean—a high tight gluteus maximus that signals power inside one’s clothing.

#7 Eyes

·        A measly 3% garnered by our peepers.

#8: The Face

·        2%.

·        That number should be a jaw-dropper for men as eye-tracking for men puts this attribute waaaaaaaaaaaay higher. [Again, see Part 2 Ladies, to see what to emphasize for yourselves.]

·        2% is both good news and explanatory for us men.

·        It explains how we often see a cauliflower eared, weathered face still garner a bit of favor, that is, if the body parts higher on the list are well-attended.

·        Let’s face it, Daniel Craig’s kisser is not worthy of a male model, but…he rocks the higher placed attributes and becomes a sex symbol.

·        Seldom does it work the other way.

#9: Legs

·        1%

·        That’s it.

·        Some will see that as an excuse to skip leg day.

·        I’m not advocating that but…

·        If our priorities are in a different direction, you’d never skip upper body day, clean that coif or buff that head, and trim that chassis to reveal that V-Cut and other eye-tracked coveted candy.

Ranking By Region

We will spend little time here as the above breakdown pretty much holds.

Suffice to say, the Western and Northwestern states put a lot of stock into that coveted chest, the Midwest leans a bit towards the Strong Arms, and the South put the Chest and Hair neck-and-neck.

Ranking by Income

Gets a little fun here. Income was ranged from $0-$24,999 per year all the way up to $150,000+

It was subdivided into $25,000 increments.

The rankings in the initial section hold sway with an interesting skew at both ends of the scale.

·        Women with low income really dug strong arms.

·        Women at the top of the scale, loved them abs.

·        While all in-between eye-tracked the chest hands-down.

The takeaway—Know your market, Gents.

Preference Through Age and Variance

This is fascinating, again the main scores hold the big truths but the altering tastes as the gender ages, well…

·        Ages were broken up from 18-65+ into 5-year increments.

·        Women’s preference for strong arms is a constant thru the years.

·        But that whole V-Cut thing…it decreases thru the years. Starts out to be a big deal with the 18–24-year-old group with a gradual waning with each progressive 5-year jump.

·        The moral, the younger man you are, the more to work on that V-Cut.

·        The 25–34-year-old group hold the face to be the least important feature—and keep in mind it is already a very low attractant for ages. Huzzahs for all we ugly men!

·        Starting around age 45, women dug the chest more and more and more with each passing year. Food for thought, my Compadres.

·        Women over 65, well, chest is a big plus and they just dig a man with beautiful hair. [Scarcity economics.]

The Moral of the Story

We should train because it’s good for us.

Because it supports our combat training goals.

But there ain’t no harm in making the candy sweeter if you are on the market or off.

I say, even more if off the market in a committed relationship.

You love someone? They have to see you day in, day out?

You wouldn’t deny them a night out at their favorite restaurant, would you?

Of course not, you love them.

If you are in a committed relationship, you are the only restaurant they got, so it seems the height of good service to look at the menu of nine and do your best to make those top tier items as tasty as possible.

Sure, you may think it doesn’t matter and she’ll say she loves you just the way you are, you’re the cream in her coffee and all that noise.

But throw some eye-tracking software on those sweet comments.

Everybody likes candy.

Run a good candy shop.

Well, Ladies, I tried to set the Men straight. In part 2, I’m comin’ for ya. We’ll see what men are really after.

Buckle Up!

Resources for Sweetenin’ The Nine

Available Volumes in The Unleaded Program

·        The Pliant Physique

·        Core Stability

·        Hips Stability

·        GFF: Grip-Fingers-Forearms.

·        The Chest Battery

·        The Back Battery

·        The Shoulder Battery

·        Unleaded: Warrior Walking, the Only Cardio You Need for Combination Fighting, Physical Culture and Attacking the Outdoors

Upcoming Unleaded Volumes include…

·        Hidden Gems: Stabilizing Muscle [Pre-Hab, Re-Hab, & the True Core]

·        The Shotgun Muscle Trifecta: Strengthening the Peripherals

·        The Shock Muscle Trifecta: Ballistic Motion for Combat Athletes

·        The Tarzan Twelve: Feats to Show Off What You’ve Built

·        And complete Batterys for Core: Abdominal Strength and Rotational/Extension Game-Changers, Thigh-Hips-Knees, Biceps, & Triceps.

·        The Unleaded Female Warrior Program

·        [Each Program is a DVD/Booklet package.]

More Resources for Livin’ the Warrior Life!

The Black Box Warehouse

The Rough ‘n’ Tumble Raconteur Podcast


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