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What Do Men Dig About Women: Sex Appeal & Combat Conditioning, Part 2 by Mark Hatmaker


[See What Do Women Really Want?: Combat Conditioning Intel, Part 1 for the female view of the story. Here, well, Ladies, let’s see what catches the male eye---you may be surprised in some cases.]

There is zero disparity in the sexes when it comes to enjoying eye-appeal but…there is a marked difference in aspects/attributes that “make the grade” for each sex.

That is, what might be high on the list for Gents, might be mighty low on the list for Ladies and vice versa.

An understanding of these differences can lead to better understanding, better profile pics on dating apps, perhaps targeted motivation in the conditioning department to attract or retain love.

At the very least, it can go a long way to correct gross misunderstandings based on assumptions.

Example: The female of the species enjoys a manicure and perhaps “having the nails done” to spruce up for a night out.

Yahoo Finance states that the average woman spends $16 per month on nail care.

This is curious in that in Part 1 where we examined female preferences in the male—the hands didn’t even make it into the Top Nine designations.

When we flip the study and see how many men are attracted to these pampered hands, the numbers come in at…wait for it, zero.

So, we are seeing an expenditure of time and money to feature and call attention to a body-part that neither gender is actually moved much by.

This is likely evidence of a signaling phenomenon. Just as we see in males pushing for steroid jacked bodies to impress other males as the female preference leans towards the leaner natural “jacked,” women may be spending money and time on the hands and nails to, well, impress other women.

Of course, there is always the pampering element to consider but…if there is any consideration that, “Oh, I must get my nails done cuz I know he likes it.”

Save your money—the studies show, he simply doesn’t care.

In short, the genders assume, “Well, this is what I like and look for first, so that is what they like, too.”

Often these assumptions are way off base.

[Again, see Part 1 for the flip-side of our errors. What Do Women Really Want?: Combat Conditioning Intel, Part 1.]


First: How Do We Know What Men Like?

Well, science has used a new-fangled technology called, “Asking them.”

Question batteries regarding the attractiveness of physical attributes were distributed across every region of the US.

The female body was broken into Eight Attributes

·        Breasts

·        Hair

·        Legs

·        Buttocks

·        Stomach

·        Eyes

·        Face

·        Other [Naughty bits can and did show up in this category, but it also featured responses such as feet, neck, smile etc. So, in other words ladies, don’t assume “other” to mean only one thing. Particularly with the male of the species, men can easily become fascinated with a single aspect of the female he adores to the befuddlement of others. We all like what we like.

These question batteries were also backed by eye-tracking software, where men were shown photos of attractive females.

·        The eye-tracker recorded where the gaze went first.

·        Where the gaze lingered.

·        Where the gaze returned to in female images regarded as attractive.

Why the Eye-Tracker Back-Up?

To adjust for reasons that “sound good” and real reasons.

That is, we often say what is socially acceptable as a mask for what is really on one’s mind.

Example: Which one is true?

She’s got a really great smile.”


Good God! She fills that outfit out!”

Both statements can be true, but eye-tracker may say one is a bit more true than the other.

Added Survey Value

The question batteries segmented the male respondents by geographical location, income distribution and age to see if there were differences.

There were.

Again, mighty useful.


Example: Say, you’re a woman in your 60s wanting to maintain your alluring spark, do you want to spend time on something that was impressive to a 20-year-old or devote time to the luscious vintage you actually pitch woo, too?

Play the odds, Brothers and Sisters. Play the odds.

The Overall Breakdown

Let’s go back to those 8 Body-Parts and hit them in order of reporting and eye-tracker excitability.

Coming in at #1

The Face

·        46% of men said, this is THE eye-candy draw. Eye-tracking software backs it.

·        What makes this number so fascinating? The huuuuuuuuuge disparity in the genders regarding the face.

·        For men, the face is far and away the Top Dog—nothing else comes close.

·        For women, The face rates a measly 2%.

#2: Buttocks

·        This comes in at 18%.

·        Before anyone makes an, “Oh, men, of course, they would like an ass” and we do, Ladies…but

·        Ladies enjoy eye-candy as well.

·        Keep in mind, men placed the face waaaay higher and women’s top feature was the chest…so Ladies, “Hey, my eyes are up here when you’re talking to me.”

#3: Hair

·        11% love them some hair.

·        Doesn’t necessarily mean long, short, dyed, curled et cetera.

·        Men show more accepting variability in this department.

#4: Legs

·        9%

·        Another disparity in the genders.

·        Men, place this far higher on the list than women—Women rated legs at 1%.

#5: Breasts

·        8%.

·        I wager that number is lower than many would suspect but “Survey says!”

·        And, eye-tracker seems to back it.

·        And when it says breasts-there is no assumption that size was a must.

·        Survey states the simple truth that men like breasts,

·        Breasts of all calibers.

#6: Stomach

·        4%

·        Ladies, take heart, what is fascinating here is that there was no stated “Must be flat.”

·        It was simply, men seem to dig the female belly.

·        Oh, and before anyone gives a man a hard time over this—women valued Abs in males far higher.

·        Science is confounding and revealing, huh?

·        Again, to see the Female preferences, see What Do Women Really Want?: Combat Conditioning Intel, Part 1

#7: Other

·        4% is our mysterious other.

·        The answers ranged from the nape of the neck to the feminine foot to the, well…

#8: Eyes

·        A measly 1% garnered by our peepers.

·        Lower even than the female preference—it seems neither gender eye-tracks this all that high despite how many songs and eyeliner commercials would have us believe otherwise.

Ranking By Region

We will spend little time here as the above breakdown pretty much holds.

Women had a wee bit more variability here, but it sems men are a unanimous jury on the ranking of the eight.

Ranking by Income

Again, men hold the line.

The income breakdown sees the female preference move around a little with the rankings but men…well, they are mighty consistent in the 8.

Preference Through Age and Variance

Preferences though the years—this is where men match the women in changeability.

This is fascinating, again the main scores hold the big truths but the altering tastes as the gender ages, well…

·        Ages were broken up from 18-65+ into 5-year increments.

·        Men’s preference for the buttocks is highest in the 18-24 year-old-cohort and gradually decreases as the male ages.

·        The eyes are already a low-rated feature, but by age 34 it gets less and less as time goes on.

·        The preference for legs and breasts is a constant thru the years.

·        As the male ages, the preference for a pretty face increase where it becomes the top choice by the time we hit the 65+ group.

The Moral of the Story

We should train because it’s good for us.

Because it supports our combat training goals.

But there ain’t no harm in making the candy sweeter if you are on the market or off.

I say, even more if off the market in a committed relationship.

You love someone? They have to see you day in, day out?

You wouldn’t deny them a night out at their favorite restaurant, would you?

Of course not, you love them.

If you are in a committed relationship, you are the only restaurant they got, so it seems the height of good service to look at the menu of eight and do your best to make those top tier items as tasty as possible.

Sure, you may think it doesn’t matter and he’ll say she loves you just the way you are, you’re the cream in his coffee and all that noise.

But throw some eye-tracking software on those sweet comments.

Everybody likes candy.

Run a good candy shop.

Resources for Sweetenin’ The Eight

Available Volumes in The Unleaded Program

·        The Pliant Physique

·        Core Stability

·        Hips Stability

·        GFF: Grip-Fingers-Forearms.

·        The Chest Battery

·        The Back Battery

·        The Shoulder Battery

·        Unleaded: Warrior Walking, the Only Cardio You Need for Combination Fighting, Physical Culture and Attacking the Outdoors

Upcoming Unleaded Volumes include…

·        Hidden Gems: Stabilizing Muscle [Pre-Hab, Re-Hab, & the True Core]

·        The Shotgun Muscle Trifecta: Strengthening the Peripherals

·        The Shock Muscle Trifecta: Ballistic Motion for Combat Athletes

·        The Tarzan Twelve: Feats to Show Off What You’ve Built

·        And complete Batterys for Core: Abdominal Strength and Rotational/Extension Game-Changers, Thigh-Hips-Knees, Biceps, & Triceps.

·        The Unleaded Female Warrior Program

·        [Each Program is a DVD/Booklet package.]

More Resources for Livin’ the Warrior Life!

The Black Box Warehouse

The Rough ‘n’ Tumble Raconteur Podcast


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