Street Dentist KO Combos! What’s that? A Bonafide Devil-in-the-Details examination of how early Mob Enforcers threw hands to hurt, drop, and leave ‘em dropped. All culled from the historical sources. It’s a wild mix of 1890s to 1930s club-fighters moonlighting for certain ethnic mobs—re-vamping their wares for an environment that has no referees, no rounds, no nothing but bare bones “ Rock ‘em, sock ‘em & drop ‘em!” Street Dentist combos cover the specific footwork that loads every single shot, the “Golden Bridge Body English” that would go on to inform early penitentiary fighting of the teens to 1940s. This would evolve into 52 Blocks, Jailhouse Rock and other prison fighting systems then take a left-turn to influence Cus D’Amato’s peek-a-book system—and yet we can find it even earlier in Geechee Gullah “knocking.” [Ah, Old School Combat stews, what’s not to love?] Grab your heavy bag, drag your BOB out of the corner. Get ready to start hitting harder and faste...
Examining & Resurrecting Indigenous Skills and Frontier Rough & Tumble Combat