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Showing posts from September, 2024

Tactical Realities of “Illegal” Fighting by Mark Hatmaker

Let us talk about the strategic realities that manifested in the curious times where sport and illegal activity joined hands across the aisle. A time when boxing/combination-fighting was mighty popular but also very illegal. A time before seconds could negotiate for ring sizes, rope tension, ring surface, dimensions of rosin boxes, “ Who enters the ring first,” “Who gets the sun in his corner,” “Let me inspect that glove ,” and the myriad details that have come to riddle the negotiations of modern era boxing and MMA. There was a class of fighting that existed outside the illegal [at the time] boxing of the early fistic era. A class of fighting that was even illegaler, to coin a clumsy word. If early “illegal” boxing was far looser in rules and more admitting of tactics than the modern era [which it was] this twin class of illegal activity was more so. Where this early “illegal” boxing admitted just the bare-fist, but… those self-same fists wielded in manners a bit less orthodox

Boombattle 1: “Hard Times” to Barge-Fighting by Mark Hatmaker

The following is the first volume of top tier Boombattle combinations--fists, elbows, lowline kicks, shift-offense, twist-defense, trigger-fighting, and more. All strategies and tactics you would find in the era of Depression America. Culled from cup fights, illegal barge fights, barroom set-tos, hobo railyard scrums and the like. See the 1975 film  Hard Times  for a fine fictional take on the era. All will be demonstrated via focus pads, but all drills transform lickety-split to sparring, street, heavy bag or shadow work for the solo training vacation times. 72 Rounds of Drilling These are Hard Combinations from Hard Men who Lived in Hard Times. For a glimpse from a man who boxed in some of these melees, a man who rode the rails, a man who knew these men, here’s a young Louis L ’Amour on the subject. [Yep, that Louis L ‘Amour of Western novel fame.] “ At the time there were at least twenty good fighters for every one there is now, it was about the only way a young man co