As you
read, ask yourself two questions:
One-How much of this have I seen
with my own eyes given that I have had ample opportunity over a lifetime?
Two-How much of this wisdom would
have been noticed or remembered if the smartphone had been invented 300 years
down on screens large or small is a rather limited view of the universe.
To paraphrase
a Comanche Warrior teaching, “We must be
awake to everything. The good, the bad, the small, the large, if we give only
lip-service to spotting the “bad element” in the world we A) Cut ourselves off from
the majority which is good and interesting and B) Likely not as aware as we
would like to think.”
ekasahpana punit’u o’yoko.” [“The
wise warrior sees everything.”]
Insects are more sensitive to the sun’s rays than is the
human animal [The Heliotropic Scale.] Bees become torpid as the temperature
drops and go comatose in milder temps than man [around 48 F] but we are all
subject to similar torpid behavior once it is cold.
We fret not skeeters and bee stings in cold weather for heliotropic
Many tribes, [the Makamba of Kenya and the Penetaka “Honey-Eaters”
band of the Comanche among them] execute beehive raids only at night when the
torpid insects are unable to fly and sting to protect.

[Bumblebees have a coat on their thorax and are a wee bit
more robust to cold than none “furred” bees.]
Some flying insects [moths and bees] use muscular vibrations
in the early morning to generate internal heat to be able to fly. Moths do so
via visible vibrations of the wing musculature, where bees use a more internal
vibration to warm up. You can watch for them sitting in the sun “vibrating” as
they run through these rapid muscular contractions.
Butterflies are so sensitive to heat cues that they must ground
themselves if the temp drops a few degrees and are likely to land when the sun
goes behind a cloud. When you see grounded butterflies not feeding, look to the
sky and you may already have a clue about current cloud cover.
Watch their wings when still [not flitting from flower to flower]
they will align them with the sun’s rays ala
a solar-pa
nel. A meadow of grounded butterflies will align with the sun creating a rather vivid panoply and a living sundial timekeeper for the canny interpreter.

Surface feeding fish know this and often congregate just on
the edge of a shaded bank where there is a stark contrast between shade and
light. The wise fish wait for a cloud to cause the insect to plummet.
Indigenous fishermen have been known to bait fish with water
bugs by using the shade method and use a spear or bow and arrow on the rising
fish hungry for the plummeting insects.
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